04 August 2024

New budget adopted

In the middle of summer, one fiscal year ended in Drakonberg and the next began. The resolution on the adoption of the budget can be found in the section "Government".

Why this happens on August 1, no one remembers now, the tradition is very old, which arose long before the appearance of the Drakonberg itself as a state.

But the tradition persists and the approval of the new budget usually takes place during heated discussions. And this time...

And this time there were practically no discussions. Yes, the costs for individual items of last year's budget were very different from the planned ones, and this applies to almost all items. But in general, the budget turned out to be in surplus again, which made it possible to increase the financial reserves of the state.

As for the budget for the coming year, the revenue side has not changed, and no economist or financier of our country has undertaken to predict expenses. Therefore, it was decided to leave the new budget unchanged, but take into account global trends in terms of inflation and redistribution of values.

Nevertheless, the government will continue to promote the growth of state reserves, as well as their effective use. We take into account forecasts about the destruction of the current global financial system, although we do not consider these forecasts to be really significant in the near future.

In general, it is worth noting the increase in the welfare of the population, even despite the new costs associated with the emergence of a new citizen of the state: even if he does not have the right to vote in the government, but he has a very loud voice when someone tries to approach the borders of the Drakonberg.

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