16 October 2024

Anniversary of the holiday

Today the people of Drakonberg are celebrating for the fifth time a not quite ordinary holiday: Territories Day. We talked at length about the role of territories in the life of micronations three years ago in our LiveJournal. We recommend reading it!

And today we will remind you about our holiday, how it appeared, what its meaning is and what has changed in the life of the country with its appearance.

However, you can also go back 5 years and read our post about the relevant decision of the Government.

04 August 2024

New budget adopted

In the middle of summer, one fiscal year ended in Drakonberg and the next began. The resolution on the adoption of the budget can be found in the section "Government".

Why this happens on August 1, no one remembers now, the tradition is very old, which arose long before the appearance of the Drakonberg itself as a state.

But the tradition persists and the approval of the new budget usually takes place during heated discussions. And this time...

03 June 2024

10 years of the national domain

Today Drakonberg celebrates a holiday that is very rarely celebrated in real states (due to its low significance), but even more rarely in micronations (due to the absence of the domain as an occasion). We have both an occasion and significance, so in our country the National Domain Day is equal in significance to the State Founding Day.

However, not everything that was originally conceived was realized as planned. That and much more is what we will cover in this article.

13 May 2024

Knowledge Day

Today, May 13, the people of Drakonberg celebrate an unusual holiday: the Day of Knowledge and Development. This day is not associated with school or college knowledge. We are talking about knowledge much deeper and even more important than physics, history or economics.

Why today? Because today millions of people all over the world celebrate the birthday of their Teacher - just like that, with a capital "T". And Drakonberg is the first (and so far, unfortunately, the only) state that has declared this day an official holiday.

11 May 2024

Drakonberg Anniversary

Today is a significant day in the life of Drakonberg: our state turned 10 years old. This is a very important achievement for a micronation, because most similar projects die much earlier.
But we exist and hopefully we will exist for many more years, decades and even centuries to come. Why not? Because our state has all three main components: territory, population, and idea.
What has Drakonberg achieved in 10 years? What lies ahead?